One Strong Voice

The result of a five-year project by Barbara E. Frye to document the tumultuous “Raids” against WSNA in the 1980s and 1990s.

“Telling the stories” is part of the culture of WSNA, and of nursing and women, and we realized that those of us who remember those times and who can tell the story of The Raids are getting older; memories are beginning to fade. It was startling to realize that younger nurses don’t know what “The Raids” refer to. We both felt it was important to document the events, the facts, feelings and observations, through the lens of those who experienced those events.

This period was a defining time for WSNA, and the organization must to be able to look back in history and learn from our mistakes if we are not to repeat them.

— from the Preface


About the author

A consummate nurse and union leader who believed that nurses must represent nurses, Barbara E. Frye served on the staff of the Washington State Nurses Association for 20 years, guiding us through the union raids that devastated our association and leading us toward a stronger future. In 2016, Barbara was inducted in the Washington State Nurses Hall of Fame in recognition of her demonstrated excellence, leadership, public service, nurse advocacy, heroism and lifelong contributions.

Table of contents

Dedication i

Preface iii

Introduction v

The Formative Years: 1898–1930s

The Rise of State Nurses Associations

Nursing Grows to Meet the Needs of a Growing Washington

So Many Nurses, So Few Jobs

The Taft–Hartley Act, Nurses, and the Rise of Unions

War, Economic Security, Change Everywhere

World War II Challenges Nursing

The Turbulent ‘60s and ‘70s

The 1970s: Taft–Hartley Amendment and Political Action

The 1976 Strikes

Aftermath of the Strikes

The Raids

The First Wave, 1983–1989: Group Health, Yakima Memorial, Harborview

The Second Wave, 1988–1991

1989: Chaos and Betrayal

Renewal, Restructure, Recovery

Restoring Trust

The Final Fights of The Raids

Struggle, Victories, and Renewal

Building National Labor Strength

WSNA Today and in the Future

2016: The Status of “RN” Unions in Washington State Today

Recommendations for the Future


Afterword: Reflections and Looking to the Future


Purchase the book

  • By Barbara E. Frye, BSN, RN

  • 148 pages

  • Published 2019 by the Washington State Nurses Association

  • $25 for an unsigned copy

  • $100 for a copy autographed by the author (limited quantity)

  • Free shipping